You're Spending WAY Too Much on Sunglasses... Here's Why

You're Spending WAY Too Much on Sunglasses... Here's Why

Are $300 designer sunglasses really worth the hefty price tag? Hell no, dawgs. It's easy to fall into that trap of thinking "if they're more expensive, they must be better" or "you get what you pay for". On top of that, the fashion industry has waged a decades-long campaign to have us all believing that we MUST spend that hard-earned cash on their high-end products in order to fit in. That's just straight bullshh y'all.
See Through BS: Kenna Jenkinson

See Through BS: Kenna Jenkinson

Kenna Jenkinson is a University of Cincinnati Women's Golfer and a part of the Black Shades community, as she embodies 'seeing through BS' on and off the golf course.
Level Up Your Beach Selfies with these 10 Tips for Better Selfies in Your Shades

Level Up Your Beach Selfies with these 10 Tips for Better Selfies in Your Shades

You got your new pair of Black Shades. Now it's time to level up your selfie game, get some clout, and grow the 'gram! Black Shades has gotchu with 10 expert tips to help you ball out and take better pictures in your Black Shades.