Ocean Positive

Good vibes
Clean Tides

At Black Shades, we recognize the importance of using our business as a force for good. That's why we proudly donate a portion of our sales to esteemed organizations dedicated to preserving marine life and the health of our oceans.

Save the manatee Club

At Black Shades, we take great pride in our membership with 1% for the Planet and our commitment to supporting the Save the Manatee Club.

By donating a portion of our sales, we actively contribute to the vital work of this organization. Together, we strive to protect and conserve manatees and their habitats.

Join us in making a difference by choosing Black Shades and supporting our efforts to preserve these majestic creatures for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Homosassa Springs Underwater Camera

Live webcam

Adopt a manatee

To deepen your understanding and get involved in the incredible work of the Save the Manatee Club, visit their official website.

There, you can learn more about their initiatives, explore ways to support their cause, and even have the opportunity to adopt your very own manatee.

Don't miss out on the captivating live webcams showcasing manatees at the Blue Spring State Park. Take a closer look into the world of these gentle giants and be inspired to join the efforts in protecting their future.

Support for Marine Conservation

We believe in the power of collective action to make a difference.

That's why we support 1% for the Planet, an organization that brings together businesses and environmental nonprofits to drive positive change. By contributing a portion of our sales, we help fund initiatives focused on preserving our oceans, forests, and wildlife

Black Shades is proud to partner and donate to Seatrees, an organization dedicated to protecting our oceans and marine ecosystems.

Through our collaboration, we actively contribute to their important conservation efforts, striving to preserve the beauty and health of our marine environments.

We support and collaborate with the Sea Turtle Conservancy, an organization dedicated to the protection and conservation of sea turtles and their habitats.

Through our partnership, we contribute to their research, advocacy, and educational programs that help safeguard these incredible creatures.

By joining us in supporting these organizations, together we can help safeguard the ocean and ensure its preservation for the enjoyment of future generations.